Technical requirements
Browser requirements
Short Courses Online fully supports the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Safari. This means we actively test the learning platform against these browsers and we try to provide the best possible experience when these browsers are used.

Short Courses Online provides limited support for old, but recent versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Safari. While we don't actively test the learning platform against these browsers, they are usually recent enough to not have any significant problems. If there are problems, we will try our best to resolve them.

We do not support very old versions of browsers. Basically, old versions of browsers often do not provide the technology required for the learning platform and thus may or may not work.

To summarize our support:

Browser Full support Partial support No support
Chrome 33 32 – 30 29 or older
Firefox 27 26 – 24 23 or older
Internet Explorer 11 10 – 8 7 or older
Opera 20 19 – 17 16 or older
Safari 7 6 5 or older
In addition, JavaScript and cookies must be enabled. Most pages require JavaScript in order to function, to provide a more interactive experience or to improve response times. Cookies are required for storing authentication information.

System requirements
Generally, if your computer was manufactured within the last 7 to 10 years, it should be fine in terms of computing power. For older hardware, we recommend the following minimum specifications:

CPU clock speed
1 GHz
512 MB
Modern browsers are usually significantly faster on older hardware than, for example, Internet Explorer 7 or 8. Upgrading to a modern browser may be a more cost-effective solution than upgrading hardware.

Network requirements
Since Short Courses Online is software as a service, an active Internet connection is required at all times.

Short Courses Online provides its services on the following domains:
In addition, Short Courses Online learning platform makes requests to resources hosted on the following domains:
All of these domains must be accessible and must not be blocked by a firewall or other such software or hardware.

Other requirements
Courses may provide downloadable files, such as Word documents or PDFs. Appropriate software may need to be installed on a student's workstation before these types of files can be viewed.

Viruses, malware, browser extensions, plugins, toolbars, add-ons, or other such software may prevent the learning platform from functioning. Please ensure your system is not infected by using protective software, such as anti-virus or anti-malware software.

Some environments may implement a firewall or configure browser or network settings in a centralized manner (e.g., Group Policy). Some restrictions may affect the performance or functionality of znanja. Any environment-related problems are left to the customer to resolve in accordance to our advice.

Troubleshooting Internet Explorer issues
Certificate errors on subdomains
If you receive a certificate error on your subdomain, there are a couple things to check.

Do not type "www." in front of your subdomain address. For security reasons, subdomains are not issued with a "www." prefix. Only use the addresses that are listed under your organization's subdomain list, which do not include a "www." prefix.

Ensure TLS support is enabled. Go to Tools → Internet Options → Advanced and then make sure TLS 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 are checked.

TLS 1.0 is enabled by default for Internet Explorer, which is fine. However, some antivirus applications, browser plugins, Windows updates, or other software may change the TLS settings from their defaults.

Windows XP IE8 only: If you are using Windows XP with Internet Explorer 8, you will receive a certificate error on domains. This is because Windows XP is missing a required TLS feature. In this case, we recommend using a different browser.

General troubleshooting
Many issues can be fixed simply by resetting your Internet Explorer settings. If possible, you should try this first. If you are not comfortable resetting the settings or are not authorized to do so, please try the following.

Launch Internet Explorer, and follow these steps:

You must disable compatibility view. Under Tools, ensure it is disabled. Compatibility view make Internet Explorer work like older versions, which we do not support.

Under the File or Tools menu, make sure you are not in Work Offline mode.

JavaScript must be enabled.

Cookies must be enabled.

Tools → Internet Options → Connections. Make sure you have no proxy settings or if a proxy is required, that it is configured properly.

Tools → Internet Options → Security. Trusted Sites should be a green check mark. Also, add to your list of trusted sites (exceptions). Finally, the trusted sites zone security level must be Medium or Lower.

Tools → Internet Options → Security. Check all of these security settings:

Internet zone security level must be Medium-Low.

Local Intranet zone security level must be Medium-Low.

Restricted sites zone security level must be Medium-Low.

Tools → Internet Options → General. Clear your browser cache and delete your temporary Internet files.

Your firewall and anti-virus software must not block traffic from Check with your IT administrator.

Verify that your date and time settings on your computer are correct.

Tools → Internet Options → Content. You may need to clear the SSL state.

If you are still having problems, please ask system administrator to check the following:

Run an anti-virus or anti-malware scan to make sure your system is not infected. Disable any browser add-ons or related software that appear suspect.

Check the Windows domain policy. In many cases, Internet Explorer on Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 runs in a restricted mode that is known as Enhanced Security Configuration. This mode sets the security level for the Internet zone to High.

Finally, check under "Servers" to see if the "Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration" is installed. If it is, this must be disabled or uninstalled.